Open VIP Enrollment

The period for open enrollment is here. Please see the attached information  VIP Plan

Union Meeting

We will be having our monthly union meeting in Colfax Friday, July 24 2024 at 6:30PM. Please come out and see what is going on with our Local.

Dues Alert!!!

First of all, I would like to say thanks to those who pay and are working on getting back current on their dues. Secondly, setting a false rumor straight. I pay dues as well as other members. I paid for my 2nd quarter card about 3 weeks ago. Third, I have been stating for months […]

Local Sick and Accident Fund

I am trying to get my records straight. Please check your 2nd quarter card when you receive it or look in your dues. If you are supposed to be in this fund and Its not showing up on your card please let me know. If you are not supposed to be in it and its […]

Not Paying Dues!!! Family may NOT be Fully Protected!!

Thank you to all that are caught back up or making systematic payments to get there!! The amount of those not paying has been greatly reduced. As I have stated multiple times, Starting 2nd Quarter. 2024 those who are not paying dues will be published on our Delinquent Dues list. Those not wishing to make […]

U-Pay with Dues 2nd Qtr. 2024

Again, If you wish to log into and pay dues through the site you will get a $25.00 credit back for each quarter this year. I do not recommend using a Credit or Debit card to make a  payment. The fee for that is 3.05% +.30cent per transaction. If you route your payment to […]

Possible Express Scripts Warning!!

We have a member who uses Express Scripts and had some unexplained charges to his account. Higher than what the normal charges would have been. He called Express Scripts and they could not confirm that the charges were legit. If you use the Express Scripts services please keep check on what is being charged and […]

New Mechanics for 2024!!!! Congratulations!!

We have quite a few members that will be taking the MX Exam this semester. Please check back with this post regularly to see the updated list. The following have passed their exam. If you see them please congratulate them: So Far : Michael Stehlik, Justin Cotleur, Jimi Wilson, Heather Willett, Rick White, Kevin Vereen, […]

Recruitment 2024 Update

Our 2024 Recruitment has ended. Applicants have been interviewed and been ranked on the list. We will assess in late 2025 when to hold another recruitment. There are no plans as of yet.

Wage Rates Effective Jan, 1, 2024

2024 Wages Starting Jan 1, 2024 the wage rates for Local 80 are as follows: Mechanic= $48.92  MIC= $55.04  Year 4 & Assistant Mechanic= $39.14  Year 3= 34.24  Year 2= 31.80  Year 1= 26.91  Probationary= $24.46.  The Benefits package will be increased by $0.85 including an annuity increase of $0.30 to be $10.10 per hour.